Well took the 3rd dosage a little later than I was expecting to take it, as in 24 hours later than expected but at least I didn't forget it longer - not that it would have been an issue its just annoying that I lost that much track of what day of the week it was to actually forget to take it on the day it was due.
At any rate, took the 3rd dosage and can't say much has changed from the 1st or 2nd dosage - still having the same issues when it comes to the whole running to the WC when I have too much in the way of complex carbs, but it isn't as often as it was when I first started so that's something at least.
Insulin dosage wise things are looking better, I still, need to take the 200 units of my background insulin but my general usage of Humalog though still, a 1:2 rato seems to be more stable to degrees than it was when I first started the Ozempic, so that means at least something is starting to work in the right direction.
No weight loss to speak of, not noticing any in regards to clothing fitting any better - so sadly can't say as yet that the side effect that many on it are looking for, it might yet still happen as it is also possible that the dosage needs to increase before it might have an effect or it might not happen at all since it is just a potential side effect and not a guarantee.
Still not affecting my appetite as I expected it to, since that is the number 1 issue that almost everyone I have read who is on it. I'm not upset with that issue, I do have the odd feeling like I'm stuffed when I haven't even had more than a single bite - but it doesn't last for long thankfully.
I will take my 4th dosage as scheduled just before the start of the new year, so will post more as time does pass!
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