Well, I am going to try and get back into streaming like I had gotten into doing in 2020, but have not kept up doing fully in 2021 ... part of me wants to start new and just go for it full out, but the other part of me wants to ease into it and focus on other things that aren't streaming.
Not sure what I wish to really get into, been trying to think about what I would like to do. Part of me likes the idea of doing LIVE drawings on my Mac using my Wacom tablet and just talking as I draw so to speak, similar to what I did when I did the live stream of the creative process I went through trying to design the Epilepsy Awareness Month Instagram images.
Another part of me is thinking that I should work on doing my own vlogs like I had started to do in 2019, but I know I do need to also get into actually editing the videos and not just posting them as they were live-streamed, something that is going to take some getting use to and figuring out what software will be best for that.
Currently not too sure where to start, but one thing is for sure nothing will happen unless I make it happen, so it means I have to make an effort to move forward and keep moving instead of stopping like I did, I have to make a commitment to doing something every day or once a week or the like and keep at it.
Not sure what that looks like right now, but I am thinking that doing one vlog a week will be a good starting point, even if the vlog is just a weekly update of what is happening in my day-to-day life. I'm also going to try and post at least 1 TikTok per week (though I know more is better) and I am thinking of doing the whole skull face deal for it, maybe not the half-face that has been done but something along those lines but is also keeping with my furry gamer self but also speaks to being aro/ace.
As to streaming that also I need to get back into doing regularly, and I am honestly thinking of either continuing doing my Minecraft Mondays and then doing one other day of the week for streaming my Sims 4 Generation Challenge which I have been highly neglecting for the past several months.
I know I need to pick what I am going to do and stick with it, so maybe just doing what I have written and not committing to 5 days a week of video game streaming might be a good start, as in just commit to once or twice a week streaming of two games and anything else I might stream is as it is and is like a bonus type deal.
Well, hope everyone has had a good year, and may 2022 be even better!
Take care peeps!