Tuesday, October 4, 2005

Today Never Sleeps, it only waits for tomorrow

 Well managed to get a few GB freed of my external HDs which is a good thing (got about 15GB freed thus far - burned the data the DVDs for storage since I'm not likely to look at the content of them, as often as I do some of the remaining content - sites, images etc).

Sighs, I'm feeling a little down today, in part because the birthday cake my folks got for me, kind of melted before I was able to see it. That is the second cake I lost for my birthday to melting (one might actually think one's folks wouldn't make that mistake more then once - even if the second cake wasn't ice cream, but a cream cake).

I'm still working on my entries for the cruse time, and for the 18th when a hell of a lot took place, but I have not felt overly interested in writing about it of late, I've been more interested in just going though my LJ Friends posting replies, doing quiz's and what not. Maybe posting images from the trip while my comp works for that period of time, but in general writing about what happened just doesn't appeal to me at the moment. I know in time I'll post more about what happened during my trip, but at the moment its on stand by/hold. 

I am so getting into the quiz deal again, like I use to before i meet my ex, so much so that I could easy fill 20+ entries with quiz's that I've taken today, but I'm not going to, I'm going to post them below since I don't want to make my LJ page here look like its quiz central or anything .. lol

I'm also enjoying reading various people's LJs today, that and chatting with several of you via YIM (still have only gotten to chat with one of you via AIM, but hay I know ppl are not always online when I am, so maybe one day I'll chat with more of you as time allows.

Well I think I might have found two shows of the new season that have caught my attention, one called "Bones" and the other called "Commander In Chief" they have only played the second ep of the shows thus far, but they have caught my attention, which means I might try to watch all the shows that I am able to watch if things keep my attention, that is. There are a new other shows that look promissing, but until I see the second ep I can't say for sure just yet it is has really caught my attention or not.

Well take care everyone, 


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