Sunday, March 15, 2015

Last Day of #FE2015

Well its been a good con, we've sold a lot of the items we brought with us, not everything unfortuatnly but we did come away in the plus side of things (though not by much if you factor in the cost of the room). 

We've both enjoyed the con and being in the dealers den, and its been interesting talking with various con goers over the chose of the weekend. I've made a few commissions and sales of items that we brought with us, n's not sold the suit so it will be going onto furbuy in short order to try and sell it. N did get a commission to do something and possibly a couple partial suits - but we're waiting on the people getting back to him on those matters since it was all talk and no payment save one person who has put payment down so that will be one of the things that gets started on in very short order. 

Final tally for the con was...

1051 people attended the con over the course of three days (up from about 910 last year)

285 people where in the Fursuit parade that took place on Saturday (up from 250 last year)

Over 9k was raised for the <a href="" title="Mississauga Humane Society" target="_blank">mississauga humane society</a> which is our annual charity that the con has chosen to raise funds for each year (up from 7k last year). 

Well take care everyone, post more later tonight if possible.