Friday, April 27, 2012

Cravings for various food items

There are many articles around the web, printed in various newspapers and magazines they each give their advice on cravings and how its either a weakness of yours if you give in or some other thing if you don't give in or do just a little.

Well I for one can't say its good or bad to give in because to me it all depends on what it is you are giving into and the reasons behind giving into that craving that makes the difference. Why do I feel or even think this? Simple because to me cravings have their place within a healthy lifestyle and for some people can actually be helpful indicators to what the body is needing (regardless of what some science sites and studies say on the matter).

You seen when I have a craving there is always a reason for it, I use to crave Beef and Broccoli and when I did I knew my iron levels where on the low side (and yes tests proved me to be right) so I'd ramp up my eating of foods that are high in iron and poof there would go the craving.

If I had craving for sticky rice to me it meant that I was craving more carbs thus the best way to ditch the craving was to increase my intake of carbs, even if that meant having an extra apple, grapes or some other fruit or veggie that would be a good carb load (though I do admit to giving in to having the rice, but I also found wild rice did do the trick and a small amount with a meal actually wasn't a bad option on occasion).

if you'd like to read my writing in full, please click here

Thursday, April 19, 2012

DSMA: Fill-in-the-blanks

Q1. The current state of diabetes technology is good in general but should be a world of a lot better then it currently is.

Q2. I wish my meter would connect to my mac instead of only being able to connect to a windows comp.

Q3. I want my cell phone to do be an iPhone to help me with my diabetes management.

Q4. I wish my insurance company paid for everything because as it is I can't afford anything that I'm taking.

Q5. I wish Pharma would ?? because ?? (no idea what Pharma is).

Q6. I spend 30 minutes w/ my Physician/Endo. After the appointment I feel like I'm no further ahead then I was when I arrived at times.

Q7. One thing I want my Physician/Endo to know about my diabetes is that I am NOT my mom (I've told him time and time again) but it still seems like he thinks I should be able to control things as she has, but I'm not her and I can't do it as she's dun it, its just not in my cards to be able to do so.

DSMA chat happens once a week though twitter using the #dsma hash-tag